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Preferred library: Nakusp Public Library? Results 1 - 10 of 1080 (page 1 of 108)
The search for the Northwest passage / Warren Brown ; introductory essay by Michael Collins.
Northwest to fortune : the search of Western man for a commercially practical route to the Far East / by Vilhjslmur Stefansson. Maps designed by James MacDonald.
Northwest by sea / Ernest S. Dodge.
A account of the countries adjoining to Hudson's Bay in the North-West part of America...with an abstract of Captain Middleton's journal, and observations upon his behaviour during his voyage, and since his return...the whole intended to shew the great probability of a North West Passage, so long desired...
Arctic labyrinth : the quest for the Northwest Passage / Glyn Williams.
A Collection of voyages and travels in three parts...
The great probability of a Northwest Passage deduced from observations on the letter of Admiral De Fonte, who sailed from the Callao of Lima on the discovery of a communication between the South Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
The dangerous voyage of Capt. Thomas James in his intended discovery of a northwest passage into the South sea... --

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